In carefully selected cases DL Global Partners enters into strategic business relationships with individuals and companies with unique and complementary capabilities and reputations.

Our disclosed business partnerships include:

  1. Altreos Research Partners


    Altreos Research partners

    DL Global Partners Inc.
    has a formal strategic partnership with Altreos Research Partners Inc. The Altreos Directors, Drs. Naama Levy-Cooperman, Kerri Schoedel and Megan Shram have extensive industry experience working with pharmaceutical and biotech companies and CROs.  Altreos can provide strategic CNS drug development advice in the areas of abuse liability and abuse deterrence, early phase drug development, and regulatory strategy in addition to scientific and medical writing services. Phase III trial design in selected CNS drug development areas such as pain and Alzheirmer's disease is another area of expertise. Project management services for all of the noted areas are also available.

    The combining of service capability and experience of DL Global Partners and  Altreos offers clients a wide range of services and greater depth and breadth in the areas of CNS drug development. The two companies work closely together to ensure that clients get the best service in a timely and cost effective way. At all times clients can have the opportunity to access services of either the two companies irrespective of which company they contact first.